Saturday, July 13

We Are What We Choose

"When the sky turns gray
And everything is screaming
I will reach inside
Just to find my heart is beating"

Today will surely be a day that will be spoken of for many years to come.  George Zimmerman's verdict from the Trayvon Martin trial definitely raised questions for me and others.  I would rather not speak on the case or the verdict. Regardless of what happened, all this resulting support for gun violence and racist remarks is disheartening to me.  The responses generated by the case have painted a pretty negative picture of our society.  For one, apparently all Hispanics are considered Mexican.  Zimmerman's mother is from Peru- it is actually not part of Mexico if you were wondering.  Not to mention, the up-in-arms rally by whites to prove this was not a display of racism and subsequent attacks on blacks for always feeling as though they are experiencing injustice has actually come off pretty racist.

In light of our horrible track record with guns, it is unbelievable to think that concealed carry has been passed recently as well.  Terrifyingly enough, guns and shootings have become so desensitized. They are completely common in our country.  If only we realized how insane we looked to the rest of the developed world.  Trust me, the UK is not too jealous of our murder and prison rates.  Too many freedoms for our own good in all honesty.

The point to this rant? Sometimes the world is just a bit too much for me to handle.  A bit too upsetting. A bit too sad.  Those are the times when I choose hope.  No one has the giant band-aid solution, but we can all choose to stay sane, to love, and to hope.  Shut out everything else and just remember we are living now, so do it with purpose.  Spread love, not hate.

Quote above is part from Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons. Enjoy below.