Sunday, July 29

Whimsy & Wu: Justin Wu


Lately, I've been absolutely absorbed with whimsical beautiful videos. Maybe Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom is rubbing off on me... or maybe it is the playful feel of Stella McCartney's Resort 2013 collection.  Either way, spring and summer are the best time of year for feeling butterflies, and Justin Wu is one director who will make your heart flutter without fail.  It doesn't hurt that he works with some of the top models in the industry like Francisco Lachowski. Justin Wu is the genius behind fashion week lip-dubs featuring all the top models, but also a great short film director and a photographer.  I have included some work off his official website for you to check out, but I also recommend his tumblr for some instagram updates.

Wednesday, July 18

Seen: Burberry

 Not one- but FOUR amazing music videos from british bands rocking Burberry shades in classic black & white videos. Check out: One Night Only, Marika Hackman, Life in Film, and
The Daydream Club on Burberry's site.

Saturday, July 7


Belated Independence Day Wishes! 
Some red, white, and blue collages I worked on recently and a few "American" quotes. 
Enjoy ;) 

 "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity."

"Well if crime fighters fight crime, and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?"