Wednesday, March 18

Summer '09

Every ACT, SAT, and AP test I register for reminds how badly I am trying to get out of high school. Sadly, I have another year of suburbia. That's why I can't wait for this summer. It feels like this is my last summer of being young, next year I will be 18 and moving to college. Trust me I'm not complaining. Anyway I'm making the most of this summer and it will be here soon. I can't wait, Im making this summer the best one yet. Never underestimate a girl who knows how to have a good time...

Busy planning,


Wednesday, March 11

Conformists need not apply

Lately, I've been doing alot of thinking about how I fit into one major, or one university, or career and it has all seemed so impossible. Here's the problem: I don't. I simply can't define myself into one thing. By no means do I mean to sound conceited because trust me through this entire process I have felt insecure and not at the same level as the rest of my class. I am not like the rest of my class though. I have to stop comparing my achievements with theirs. I just need to find the right school, the right major, and get accepted. No pressure right? ;)
Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Friday, March 6

Hope for Hope

There is all this pressure to get into the right college and study all the right things because we are the future of our country, but to me there is a question of if there will still be a future here. I've realized that the more I learn about my American government the more depressing it all seems. It's ironic that in this time we need hope, and the program Project Hope that encouraged Hispanics to continue on into college, has recently died. What does this say about our country? I do hope that we shall recover from the issues, economic and otherwise, that we are currently experiencing. Differences in beliefs aside Obama is our president and if we have ill wishes for him we have ill wishes for the country that many of us call home, including myself.

Tuesday, March 3


Girls are mysterious, double and triple threats, and they are without a doubt some of the most intriguing creatures around. I have to say I've been very busy trying to do all and be all myself. Definitely why I've seemingly been missing in action for awhile. Is anyone else feeling the college pressure yet? Lets just say so far if you aren't in the city, you need not spam up my mailbox! I'm keeping my options open though... Anyway I was sure to take some new photos of a girl who posed as my real jane doe- part mystery and part beautiful doe eyes.