Friday, April 27

Delayed Gratification

"For sale: baby shoes, never worn." Ernest Hemingway's six-word memoir.  It sends chills down my spine.

I mention it because I did the same exercise in class a month or two ago. I chose "because the means are my life." At the time I was enthralled with a particular quote that goes along the lines of: The ends never justify the means, because the means are your life. 

Although I have been told I misinterpreted it, let me be quite frank by saying I do not care. To me it sums up so perfectly my frustration with just about everyone my age.  Life is so much more than whats nexts and those days waiting for the weekend.  Everyone is so concerned with where they are going that they are barely scratching the surface of what life could be right now.  There is a loss of passion.  I, for one, do not feel alive if I have not recently cried, smiled, or trembled with fear.  It means I have lost touch with what is meaningful.  Yet, all I ever hear is I cannot wait to get this over with so I can go do this or be that.  What about today? What about right now? 

There will always be duties we would rather not handle, but they should never be allowed to overshadow what we love or we risk losing everything.  Its not where I end up that concerns me, it is how I get there.  Each day a lesson.  I would like to do and be a great deal of things, yet those ideas change as new inspirations find me.  Certain passions hold true- to serve others, to explore my identity, to do that which I thought I could never do.  What change are the ways I find to manifest them.  If I only focused on the outcome then all the ideas that got left behind would have been wastes of time.  I know for a fact that is not true.  Each idea, each moment led me here to this moment.  I was always meant to get here.  

Forever on the fringe,
Yours truly.