So this year I want to share a different approach that I learned from the film Hungry for Change:
"The best way to change your eating is to add in things. By adding more and more healthy food, eventually you won't want the bad stuff. This way you don't feel deprived."
I love the idea of a resolution to add healthier choices or activities to your life, as opposed to trying to place impossible goals for yourself. Do what you can, when you can. The film is a great place to start if you want to gain a better understanding of what food you should avoid. Plenty of surprising insights and tips. If I haven't quite sold you on it, then please check out the trailer below!
Recently, inspiration has also come to me from Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. The overall message of getting back to real food, as opposed to food-like substances resonates strongly with me. Less and less children learning to cook and suffering from obesity is a cause near and dear to my own heart. Providing wholesome options for children is a challenge when they are targeted with chemical junk engineered to be appealing. So many adults are unaware of the risks they are enabling by giving in to the frozen food, processed sugar options. The fact that ingredient lists have become completely unrecognizable is horrifying.
The movie above and this series have been around for awhile, so they should be easy enough to find (YouTube, iTunes, Netflix, etc).
If you want to dive in and try some Super Food recipes check out British nutritionist Madeleine Shaw. Her nutrition plans will help get your skin glowing and body energized. It is not about cutting out fat, she wants you to trade out your sugar-laden refined options for some all natural additions. Her recipes are definitely worth a shot if you are looking to cut down on sugar and get the glow! I recently made her cinnamon and chocolate raw Christmas balls which have absolutely no added sugar- they were AMAZING. There are definitely plenty of protein packed meat dishes too if you are looking for simple ways to make a healthier hearty dinner. Enjoy!
Best of luck to you in surviving the holidays xox