Saturday, September 1

In Case You Were Wondering...

Discovered in London...
1. Everything is smaller: showers, elevators, laundry machines, fridges.
2. Over a cup of ginger & lemon tea my roommate told me ginger was once used as punishment in "figging" where it is inserted into the bum causing understandable discomfort and burning sensation.  It is now a form of erotic pleasure. The English are known for their punishment fetishes, especially "flogging" or spanking.  It is rumored to come from their private school days.
3. The mixed drinks here seem to be Pimm's cocktails, which can be any type of alcohol depending on the number on the bottle.
4. Everything closes early on the weekends, even restaurants, if they open at all. 

Still to Do...
1. I saw Prince Albert's statue, still have no idea why the piercing was named after him.
2. Try Wagamama and Yo! Sushi, super popular Asian restaurants out here. 
3. Already went to the Ye Olde Cock pub, but Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese and Filthy McNasty's Whiskey Cafe are also intriguingly named. Haha 

The London Eye view below us, those are the giant class containers we were in. 

Apparently the UK supports the gorilla population. I plan to watch this happen.

 Waterloo Station, the nicest tube/train station I've ever seen.  The inside also felt more like a mall or airport than a tube station.

View from the London Eye of Westminster Bridge, The House of Parliment on the left of the bridge with parlimentary offices in the building on the right, Big Ben, and behind that is Westminster Abbey.