Thursday, September 2

Jana Part Deux

Tell me a little about yourself?
My name is Jana. I like to be goofy. I like cake and ice cream.

What are you passionate about?
I recently started painting and I like that. I like photography, modeling, styling.

What do you think are your strengths as an artist?
I try to finish what I start for the most part, but there is that every once in awhile I don't finish it. I just let whatever happens happen. I don't stress it. If I mess up, I don't see it as a mess up, I see it as a guide to a new path.  When I worked on my journal [her art journal] I would just throw some stuff together and look at what looked nice. I didn't worry about messing up anything or making mistakes.

Are you working on anything now? Any ideas you've been thinking about?
I want to have a photoshoot downtown showing there can still be peace in a busy city. I haven't decided exactly how I am going to do it yet, but that's what I want to show.

What trend do you love right now?
I'm obsessed with see through lace, and I'm obsessed with cut outs right now. I've cut up all my shirts. I'll cut them randomly, like holes just randomly. I don't know if I'm going to have any shirts left for the wintertime.

Do you have any recommendations on how you can find cute things and not spend a lot?
Thrift store, I love shopping at the Thrift store. And no matter what, you always have a friend who has something they don't like that you're going to like.

Next place you want to travel? Why?
I want to go to Austria because that's where I'm from. I want to see what adventures are in store for me there.