Friday, March 8


Old journal entry, with two of my favorite quotes. 

100 Montaditos- that giant Wine and Chips is only 2 euros on Sundays. Obsessed. 

Politically charged bathroom stall. 

Berry colored lipstick- new favorite. 

Amazing frozen yogurt, perfectly tart and just the right amount of sweet topped with melted dark chocolate.

Decor at Mandala, cafe with an amazing blueberry hot chocolate & green tea/cocoa/blackcurrant milkshake. 

Cucumbers and cherry tomatoes grilled and topped honey. 4 of those + entire bottle of Rose Wine for 6.50 euros. Win. 

Monday, March 4

Madrid & Toledo


Beautiful views above the city of Toledo. 
 My favorite at the indoor market of San Miguel in Madrid. 
 Ancient Gypsy Temple
 More of my yogurt obsession. 
 Amazing door carvings.

This sign explains my life. Food + Wine= Happiness. 
 Protest against the privatization of healthcare in Madrid.  We were lucky enough to be right in the middle of it.  It was like seeming all my research on public versus private healthcare last semester in the UK come to life.  Clearly, it is a UNIVERSAL issue. 

Friday, March 1

Curfew (2012)

A story of redemption.  Growing up is hard.  We lose ourselves when we are hit with the terrifying realities of what our lives have become.  Sometimes it takes the innocent black and white perspective of a child to help us sort through all the grey that has clouded our vision.  That is what Curfew does- it takes the ugliest of what the world can do to us and shows how something pure & full of love like a child can stop us from giving up on everything.  This almost 20 minute masterpiece takes out all the plot filler to deliver a vivid picture well worthy of it's Oscar nomination.  Written, directed and starred in by Shawn Christensen.