There's something calm about this summer. The winds of change are blowing but it seems more like a breeze than a strong force. I've enjoyed my summer of long nights and lazy mornings with my boyfriend. Hiking in the Sweet Woods, eating fresh fruit as much as possible, reading and thinking in the sunlight- I have to admit I'm going to miss this summer. At the very end of August, I have to give up the only job I've ever known and loved, move into my dorm room- with my wonderful roommate Rebecca, and begin a completely new passage in my life. This summer has taught me that independence is a good thing though, and I'm not worried. I don't really worry about anything anymore, it is what it is. My mind is on me, and what interests me, the people that inspire me. My blog is going to reflect that.
Freshmen year is all about new beginnings, and new faces but no matter what I'm me and that changes for nobody.